Tag: Southeast Asia

  • Black Marketing Housewives Under Occupation

    Black Marketing Housewives Under Occupation

    Introduction by Alison Fong, Nanyang Technological University. Published on February 13, 2025. The Japanese Occupation of Malaya dismantled established social and economic structures, forcing families to rely on the black market for survival. Although middle-class male brokers, or “mushroom millionaires,” dominated public narratives of the black market, women—particularly housewives—played indispensable roles as buyers, brokers, and suppliers.[1]… Read more

  • Justo Cabo Chan and the Chinese in the Philippines during the Japanese Occupation

    Justo Cabo Chan and the Chinese in the Philippines during the Japanese Occupation

    Introduction by Chien-Wen Kung, National University of Singapore. Published on April 11, 2021. This document features excerpts from a much longer essay written by Philippine-Chinese businessman Justo Cabo Chan (Zeng Tingquan) after World War II and published (in Chinese) in the second volume of the 1948 Philippine-Chinese Chronicle. Born in the Philippines, Cabo Chan was a… Read more