Tag: rural
A Message to Rural Youth
Introduction by Sayaka Chatani, National University of Singapore. Published on Dec 18, 2020. Right after the 1919 March First Independence Movement across the Korean peninsula and brutal arrests and crackdown by the colonial government, the Japanese authorities relaxed restrictions on publications, leading to the birth of major Korean-language newspapers and literary magazines. Kaebyŏk (Gaebyeok) is probably the most well-recognized… Read more
Fulfilling the Targets
Introduction by Christopher Craig, Tohoku University. Published on Dec 18, 2020. One of the most prominent and emblematic initiatives pursued domestically in support of the Japanese imperial project was the creation and implementation of Manchurian Branch Village Emigration Plans (Manshū bunson imin keikaku). Formulated initially on a voluntary basis by local leaders in a handful of… Read more
Commentary on Discriminatory Rice Policy
Introduction by Chan Qiu Qing (Supervised by Sayaka Chatani), National University of Singapore. Published on Dec 21, 2020. Rice has long been a significant livelihood issue to the populations of East Asia. The procurement of this staple food was of critical importance to many regimes. In the early twentieth century, the Japanese government faced a variety of… Read more
Youth Associations and Thought Guidance
Introduction by Sayaka Chatani, National University of Singapore. Published on Jan 19, 2021. At the beginning of colonial rule of Taiwan, Japanese-built elementary schools were not popular among elite Taiwanese families, who continued to appreciate Chinese classics. Public schools spread in cities and even in remote rural areas relatively quickly, however, once Taiwanese population realized… Read more